Saturday, May 25, 2019

After A While, I Don't Really Know Where to Start

I know I haven't posted in a while. It isn't because I haven't been knitting or crocheting. It isn't really because I have been busy. I guess it is that the spark to blog just hasn't hit me in a while. I am still Co-Coordinator of the Needlework Ministry at FUMC Schenectady. The majority of my needlework time is spent creating projects that make the recipient feel loved. My main focus has been on prayer shawls, prayer blankets, baptism blankets, and confirmation blankets.

Over the past year, I have been crocheting rainbow hearts. I have made close to 800 of them since the beginning of the year. Some of them went to the United Methodist General Conference and were handed out by Pastor Sara of FUMC Schenectady and others. Some were put out on a table at FUMC Schenectady and have been taken by those that needed a reminder that they are loved.   In less than 2 weeks, 500 of them will be making a trip to Syracuse with me for the Upper New York Annual Conference and will be placed at the MFSA booth, to remind our LGBTQIA Siblings in Christ that they are still loved even though the plan that was passed at General Conference makes it feel like they aren't. 

Even in the midst of this darkness, we need to remember that there is hope.  Even though we feel as if we stand alone, we are surrounded by the love of others. May be be led in peace.

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