Wednesday, January 19, 2011

RIP Bandit "B-Nut" April 2006-January 18, 2011

This still really hurts a lot, but I really have to make it through this post. For a while, we thought Bandit had an upper respiratory infection. He had all of the symptoms...the coughing, runny nose, eye goop. We had brought him to a vet the day after Sasha died and they thought the same thing. They gave us antibiotics, but they were concerned with his weight loss. We started and finished the antibiotics. We thought he was getting better. He started doing the hoarse "Mer-ACH" that he was doing before he totally had lost his voice. We really thought he was getting better. The night of the 17th, we brought him to the emergency vet. They got him into the back and thought he had an upper respiratory as well. Until the vet finally got his mouth open and looked at his throat. He had a tumor that was blocking his throat. He started crashing. They put a tube down his throat so they could give him oxygen and give us time to say goodbye to him. We had to put him down. He passed away at midnight. We never knew he was suffering so much. The tumor that he had was an aggressive one. The vet thinks it was a squamous cell carcinoma. From what I read online yesterday since I was so racked with guilt and couldn't sleep and just wanted answers, that cancer, when it is diagnosed, the cat will usually only live 4-8 weeks. Bandit had lost his voice around Christmas.

We are guessing that Bandit was born sometime in April of 2006 and he adopted Darrin as a kitten. Bandit was Darrin's best buddy. Darrin often fondly remembers Bandit as a kitten loving to curl up around Darrin's neck when Bandit was in bed with him. I always remember Bandit having to lay on my chest and do the nose rub territory marking thing on my nose. Everytime he did that we always told him that he was wiping his boogers on us.

He had a knack for getting matter how uncomfortable it looked to the rest of us. Most of the time he was his most comfortable on one of the afghans that I crocheted. He liked to reach out and grip them as well as knead them.

He liked to hang out with his girlfriend, Misty. This photo was taken as Misty likes to call it during her thinner years.

He always used to check on me when I wasn't feeling well. He would also lie on my chest and purr as if he thought that it was helping me feel better. Honestly, just having him there always made me feel better.

This is Bandit on my chest and in the process of starting to booger me. He must have taken great comfort in knowing that we were his.

He enjoyed "bath-time" with Zeus. I guess it was a good thing that Zeus liked taking care of him. Granted with most of the other cats as well as Bandit, he likes to put them in a head lock while he is bathing them.

Of course, Zeus didn't mind having Bandit take care of him.

He would help me blog and like to play FarmVille, search for patterns and talk to our friends on the Grand Am Owners Club, Facebook and Ravelry.

He liked to hog the real estate of the bed and hang out with his family. Zeus is in the back on his back, Sasha is next to Zeus, Bandit is in the front and Monte is next to Bandit.

Bandit liked to cuddle with Angel a lot, along with cuddling with all of the other kitties. Angel and Bandit are a lot alike. I have discovered this over the past few days. Angel never hung around us much until Bandit passed. Last night she stayed on the bed with us for quite a while (she always used to run off) and this morning after I woke up, she went in to check on Darrin.

He took after Darrin a lot. When a siren went by the house, or a strange car went by, he would run to the window and look, or just perk up quite a bit. He even did that when he was sick.

He had such a laid back personality. I really don't remember him getting upset at anyone. He was always there for a cuddle when you needed one. I am really going to miss that. I guess that is why his son, Zeus is staying by my side. Zeus got that trait from Bandit.

This photo of Bandit he is holding my pouch of crystals. For some reason he liked them a lot. The more that I think about it, he was hanging out on one of my knitting bags toward the end. I just remembered that it was where I was keeping my pouch of crystals. They must have offered him some comfort.

These are 2 of the last photos that I got of Bandit while he still wanted to cuddle with me. I was working on the room sized rug that I am making and he just found comfort to sit on it while it was on my lap and I was working on it. He didn't even chase the yarn like he used to. He just wanted to be with me and sleep. These were taken almost a week before he passed.

Again, I am going to sign off with the poem Rainbow Bridge. I know he is there with Sasha and she isn't alone anymore. They are buried side by side in our yard. Just like they used to cuddle. This is the photo that I have on the screen of my cell phone. Just knowing that they have each other and father and daughter are together is a comfort.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

Just remember to give your kids - human and furbaby alike - a hug and a kiss. Tell them that you love them. We never know how long or short they are going to be with us.


Unknown said...

I love the Rainbow Bridge Poem. ... I have it in the scrapbook with pictures of Libby and Griz. I know how heart broken you are....we lost our 2 a few months apart, not as close as you, but none the less, the hurt is so much more having to grieve for more than one. I know your pain too well and I am thinking of the both of you. I enjoyed looking at the photos of the kitty precious...
Love Danielle, Sean and Brynley

Alice said...

Thank you, Danielle. This blog was so much harder to write for Bandit because he had been sick, we just didn't realize how sick or how much he was suffering. That is really what hurts the most.