Friday, April 13, 2007

A little charity knitting...a prayer shawl...

Finally I accomplished enough to post again!!

First of all I have a prayer shawl (throw) for my friend Andrew. Andrew is in the Army and was shot in Iraq3 times in the left calf. I felt that he needed a prayer shawl to offer him some comfort. Anyone that reads this, could you just say a little prayer for him or think a good thought for him? It would be much appreciated. This is the throw that I knitted for him (it only took me 2 and a half weeks and starting over 5 times and it has many mistakes in it, but I figure life isn't perfect so why should this throw be.)

...and here is a cose up of the ripple pattern that I used.

I finally got around to photographing the prayer cloths that I made for the Prayer Cloth Ministry. Here they are with their close ups.

...and my knitting group that I go to in Saratoga is making preemie hats. I also had a angel pouch made up that I am going to send along with the hats. The angel pouch is for a stillborn or preemie that is too weak to make it. It is a very sad thing to make, but I just had to keep reminding myself that some little baby was going to need this. We are making them for Glens Falls Hospital.

Now I have a few projects going. I am making an Eco Friendly Shopping Bag, more baby hats, afghan squares for the group that meets in Albany, the prayer shawl fr my mom's second cousin (I really have to finish that), and I just bought yarn to make the wristlets that are in the Punk Knits book. Nothing like having a few projects going!!

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